Nauticus vs. Other Trim Tab Brands:
While most other trim tabs offer increased performance, Nauticus Smart Tabs offers key advantages over competitive brands. The first is the relative ease of installation. Smart tabs can be installed by the average boater in less than an hour using simple tools (screwdriver, wrench, and a drill). Each easily mounts to either side of the transom with attachment hardware included in the box. Other brands require complicated installation typically taking 4 hours that should be performed by experienced technicians.
The other key advantage of Nauticus Smart trim tabs is that they are fully automatic. Once installed and adjusted, they do not require any operator control while underway. With other brands, the boater must constantly adjust the tab settings using manual switches according to how the boat is driven. Nauticus trim tabs eliminate the potential problems that manual trim tabs may have if improperly adjusted.
Visit eBuyersWorld.com for more information on the rebate and these revolutionary trim tabs!!
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